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Photoshop Exposé Model: "I Feel Really Angry About the Pressure on Women"

Now we know who to thank for those awesome video-turned-gifs of what really goes on between the photo shoot and the cover! In case you missed them:

The organization behind these images is a site called Global Democracy — more specifically, model Sally Gifford Piper and her husband Tim, the video's director.

After it went viral, Piper spoke out about her reasons for making the video, via Entertainment Tonight: "I feel really angry about the pressure on women. The reality is that most of us don't look like these perfect women, and I think there needs to be a celebration of all different shapes and sizes. And we need to see more variety and I'm determined to fight for that."

Even she has taken away a more healthy body image from the production: "[I will] learn to love myself better and just be free and cool with it. Not put so much pressure on myself. You know what's cool though? I got attention for the right thing, I think, as opposed to getting attention for being perfect. I got attention for being imperfect. So it's a little less pressure."